Post-armada is an Animation & Motion Design Production Agency!

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Nick Singer

Independence USA PAC

Nuestra Historia



Equis Labs

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Our services

Creative Consulting
No ideas?
We’ll flood you with waves of them!
Film Production
Scheduling a Shoot?
Our Armada will travel the 7 Seas, to film and tell your tale.
Video Post Production
Need video editing help?
We’ll cut through the muck, push through the frames and find a safe haven.
Music / Sound Design
Can you hear the noise of the waves/storm?
We might be able to fix that, or not (never fix it in post).
Motion Graphics / Animation
Feel the need to bring it to life?
Let’s grab a compass and map it out frame by frame.
Art Direction
Tired of using Comic Sans?
Pencil in hand and “X marks the spot”.

Join us in our voyage!

Our team