About The Armada

Post Armada is a full sail creative, video production and post-production agency in Washington D.C.
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Established in 2022, we have helped our clients tell their tales through carefully crafted videos, motion graphics and digital content.
Our Armada of Creatives are all hands on deck and bring a fresh cultural perspective to any concept, creating content that can easily travel the digital winds and spread your message to the 7 Seas.
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Our services

Creative Consulting
No ideas?
We’ll flood you with waves of them!
Film Production
Scheduling a Shoot?
Our Armada will travel the 7 Seas, to film and tell your tale.
Video Post Production
Need video editing help?
We’ll cut through the muck, push through the frames and find a safe haven.
Music / Sound Design
Can you hear the noise of the waves/storm?
We might be able to fix that, or not (never fix it in post).
Motion Graphics / Animation
Feel the need to bring it to life?
Let’s grab a compass and map it out frame by frame.
Art Direction
Tired of using Comic Sans?
Pencil in hand and “X marks the spot”.

Selected clients

Join us in our voyage!

Our team